Friday, October 31, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mill Ends Park

A cute little article about Portland.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I feel only half here.

As I lay here, trying my hardest to fall asleep, I find my comfortable spot. Then I open my eyes, and to my dismay, the right side of my bed is, in fact, still empty. It’s amazing that a single wish, hope, thought, can stay at the back of your mind for days, months and in my case nearly 19 years. I really have all that anyone my age could ask for. I have a great family, friends, my own apartment that is the perfect size for me, a job that pays a decent wage. Yet, for some reason I always feel that there is something missing. Physically, emotionally, what have you. I just feel like I should not have gone almost 19 years without so much as a first kiss. It’s ridiculous. And people can tell me, :it’ll come when it is supposed to” or “You’ll meet them when you should” but honestly, I am not looking for Mr. Right. I want someone to be my first kiss, my first almost-love. I don’t expect to marry the first guy I date. (Although it worked for my sister.) I just feel like I have a hole in my being. And as cheesy as it sounds, I just want to be liked or wanted.

Rant over, maybe I can sleep now.

Monday, October 13, 2008

These stories make me so sad.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

We are the change we seek.

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Death of an Innocent

Yesterday while stumbling around the internet, I came across the story of Mr. Chris McCandless.
This story is a long one but totally worth it.

Into the Wild was based on his story. Which I didn't figure out until AFTER I had read it and decided to see if there was a book written about it.

Enjoy. :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008